I have a slight obsession with starting new projects and a complete obsession with not seeing them through to a just conclusion. However, I do understand that everything is in a state of entropy and to put it hippy, nothing is ever finished man. To me it seems you should always have too much to do than not enough for this creates stimulation of the pea in our head for creative output and also lets you turn a blind eye to the ravages of society and the haunting terror of mortality. Many of my asides are in blog form and have laid dormant for some time. If any peak your interest I would invite you to check back in every so often.
So...there is a grocery store in Lincoln Nebraska that is truly one of the most bizarre places I have ever witnessed. It sometimes makes Wal-Mart look like a Country Club. I feel like a king when I stroll down the aisles. I decided to sketch people in a little book then to return home to ink them. They are all real people. The site is on hiatus as I became really depressed looking at people in pajamas.
________________________________________________________________________________These are single paneled comics that I have been doing for a couple of decades now and have had no real place to put them. Some I must admit I find a bit humerous, however I know they would not be too accesible to an altogether mainstream populous.
Richard Hargeshiemer is a man who is passionate about equal rights. He had asked me if i wanted to make postcards for an NADP anti death penalty campaign. I jumped at the chance and together we produced about thirty postcards. I would like to think we made a difference and something tells me we did.
So long story short, Peer Puppet was the first band that actually made a mark in the Lincoln music scene, then Sideshow was hot on the heels. This is a blog of fliers, [photos and videos from those fond bygone days. We never actually broke up so it is all still pending.
It all started in 1990 by winning a cash prize of $888 in a grocery store contest. I bought my first recording device, a Tascam 424. Since then I have made a dozen full length cds of strange music. Strange not by my standards of course. There have been many incarnations of my solo work and has landed as Trashpile Manor
This is my "If I need to get a job" blog/portfolio that showcases some of my commercial work. I hope I never have to use it.
Everyone's a critic, that said, I must throw my brilliant movie knowledge forth wit. This is a blog about B-movies To see.